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    5 tips to protect your business and storm drain from flooding

    5 tips to protect your business and storm drain from flooding

    | 23 May 2023

    Protect your business and storm drain from flooding

    As Miami braces for its annual rainy season, a familiar anticipation lingers in the air—the anticipation of thunderstorms and potential flooding that often accompanies the showers. For businesses in the region, this time calls for strategic preparations to shield themselves from the impending water woes. As we navigate through the stormy weather that typically spans from May to November, safeguarding your business against flooding becomes a pivotal aspect of preserving its integrity and functionality.

    In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the indispensable steps and preventive measures you can take to fortify your establishment from the ravages of the rainy season. From diligent maintenance of storm drains to meticulous roof inspections, we bring you a detailed breakdown of five proactive strategies to fortify your business against water damage. Join us on this preparatory journey to ensure that your business stands resilient amidst the downpour, ready to weather any storm that comes its way.

    Causes of flooding

    Heavy Rainfall

    Miami experiences frequent heavy rainfall, especially during the wet season from May to November. Intense downpours can overwhelm drainage systems and lead to localized flooding.

    High Water Table

    The city’s low-lying geography and proximity to the ocean result in a high water table. During heavy rains or storm surges, the water table can rise, causing inundation in some areas.

    Storm Surges and Hurricanes

    Miami is prone to storm surges and hurricanes, which can bring extensive rainfall, strong winds, and tidal inundation, leading to widespread flooding and coastal erosion.

    Inadequate Drainage Systems

    Aging or poorly maintained stormwater drainage systems can contribute to flooding by being unable to handle increased water volumes, causing backups and overflows.

    Development and Urbanization

    As Miami continues to grow and develop, natural water-absorbing surfaces are replaced by impermeable surfaces like concrete and asphalt. This urbanization reduces the area for water absorption and increases runoff, leading to more significant flooding risks.

    Sea Level Rise

    Miami faces the threat of rising sea levels due to climate change. Higher sea levels can exacerbate flooding during storms and high tides, especially in coastal areas.


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    Maintain storm drains

    Make sure your business’ storm drain system is working properly and that gutters and drainage channels are free of obstructions. If you find leaves and branches that may be clogging drains and gutters, hire a professional storm drain cleaning service.

    Quick Clean has new hose vehicles that can remove all types of debris from the drainage system. This prevents erosion, overflows, and flooded streets.

    Maintaining the storm drains is essential because:

    1. Clear a Path for Water

    Storm drains are designed to collect rainwater and direct it away from streets, parking lots, and buildings. When these drains are well-maintained and free from debris, they can effectively channel rainwater, preventing it from pooling in undesired areas.

    2. Preventing Blockages

    Debris like leaves, branches, and trash can accumulate in storm drains, obstructing the flow of water. This blockage leads to water backing up, potentially causing flooding in low-lying areas or even within properties.

    3. Reducing Overflows

    Clogged storm drains can cause water to overflow onto streets and sidewalks. Regular maintenance ensures that these drains are clear and able to handle heavy rainfall, reducing the risk of overflow and subsequent flooding.

    4. Preventing Property Damage

    A properly functioning storm drainage system reduces the likelihood of water entering buildings, basements, or other vulnerable areas of a property. This proactive measure helps in avoiding costly water damage repairs and business disruptions.

    Regular cleaning and maintenance of storm drains, often done by professional services like Quick Clean, are essential to ensure these drainage systems work efficiently. By keeping storm drains clear, the risk of flooding during heavy rains is significantly reduced, offering better protection to both businesses and the surrounding community.

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    Regular drains cleaning

    Regularly clean the storm drains in your business to ensure they are not clogged. This can help prevent flooding inside the business.

    Roofs inspection

    Inspect roofs for any damage or weaknesses before the rainy season begins. If you find any problems, repair them before the storms arrive.

    Secure loose objects

    Store or tightly secure any loose objects, such as flower pots or lawn furniture, as they can be knocked loose by the wind during a storm.

    Stay informed

    Stay alert to weather warnings and follow the instructions of local authorities if warnings or evacuations are issued. You can visit the page to learn about the areas with the highest risk of flooding.

    It is very important that you apply these recommendations before the rainy season begins to protect your business and avoid paying for costly repairs. Cleaning the drainage system can also contribute to the maintenance of other establishments in your community.

    storm drain from flooding


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